One Man's Enemy is Another Man Luck.

One Man's Enemy is Another Man Luck.

We rank the nettle among the lucky herbs and reserved several places for it in the garden.

For us, the nettle season begins when the first fresh leaves can be seen.

This is around April.
Then we pick the leaves and cook delicious nettle tea on a daily basis.

The tea is also very popular with our children.

Due to its rich ingredients, the nettle should not be missing in any diet!
It contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron (approximately three times as much as spinach) and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, chlorophyll and silica.

Drink up to three cups each day for about three weeks and you have the best spring makeover.

Cover a handful of fresh nettle leaves with boiling water, let it slightly cool down and enjoy.

Nettle stimulates the metabolism and has a detoxifying effect.

As a medicinal plant in the naturopathy nettle helps with gout, rheumatism and hair loss problems - just to name a few.

For hair loss there is either the inner treatment or for the tough guys among us, the method of external application.

For this purpose, rub the head with fresh nettles. This should be applied several days in a row.

You can use the nettle in various ways in the kitchen.

You can add it to salads, make pesto or soups - it is definitely the ideal vitamin - and mineral bomb.

We like to use the leaves for the tea or mix them in a smoothie.

We also love to use nettle seeds in various ways.


You can find nettle seeds around mid-July until late fall.
They are perfect for topping your salads or any other dishes.

Harvest the fresh seeds - you might want to use gloves :) - and let them dry outside for at least a day. (that gives the little animals, which might be in there, time to escape)

After a day they can be dried in the house.
You can also fry the seeds in a pan for about 2 minutes until they are slightly brownish.

Or how about some nettle chips?

Heat up some oil in a frying pan and fry the nettle leaves briefly from each side.
Take the leaves out when they are still green, sprinkle with a little salt and enjoy.

To preserve the leaves for the winter tea, hang them headfirst in a dry place.


You can cut a hole in the bottom of a paper bag and put it over the nettle stalks to prevent it from spiders and bugs.
Thereafter, peel off the dried leaves and crush them with your hands.
Use dark glassware, for example, brown pharmaceutical glass to store them for the winter.

Who would not like to have thick and full hair?

With nettle leaves, you can collect your own thick-hair-treatment.
Take a handful of finely chopped nettle leaves and fill it up with water.
Pour everything into a bottle and let it sit in the sun for about 10-14 days.
Then pour off the water and use it as a conditioner.

Nettle for fertilizing

Nettle slurry is perfect for fertilizing your garden.
It can be used to combat aphids, to improve the soil or for dunging balcony plants.

Fill a bucket with nettle leaves and rainwater and cover it.
Put it in a sunny but roofed place in the garden for about three weeks.
Fill up the manure 1:10 with water and use it for fertilizing.

What do you use the nettle for?
We love to hear from you!

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