Silica - Freshness Cure for your Body

Silica - Freshness Cure for your Body

Pale skin, cellulite, brittle fingernails, and thin lifeless hair?

If you are suffering from the above-mentioned conditions - it may be that your body lacks an essential nutrient.

Silica is a very important trace element for our skin, hair, bones and nails.

Silica binds toxins in our body and stimulates a healthy metabolism.

Silica is needed for an optimal function of our body and growth of our cells.

The bones retain their elasticity, the tendons remain flexible and the skin remains firm and does not age so fast.

For a dense, healthy connective tissue, shiny hair, strong nails and a rosy skin of the body, silica must be supplied, as it can not constitute itself as a trace element.

The nettle is one of the best natural silica providers.
You can eat it raw in salads or drink it in a juice or smoothie.

With a consumption of oat bran, oatmeal, dates, and wheat bran you can naturally compensate a lack of silica.

If you cannot meet the daily intake with your nutrition, a silica treatment is recommended from time to time.

You can find suitable products in your health food store.


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