Goutweed Pesto - Nature in a Glass

Goutweed Pesto - Nature in a Glass

The sun is shining and May makes green even greener.
All around us everything is blooming and the breath of nature is unfolding to its full potential.

In our garden, one of the wild herbs is clearly beating all others - the goutweed.

Most people call it an enemy and I have to admit, I saw it the same way a few years ago.
But the more I enter into a relationship with nature, the more I feel comfortable and the more we grow together.

I also still remove goutweed in the flower beds, but I kept many places where it can sprout to give us our daily green smoothie and various other green treats.


If you harvest the leaves of the goutweed continously, you can look forward to new fresh leaves all summer long.
The young leaves are, of course, a bit more juicy and crisp, but you can also use the older ones for such things as this Pesto here.


The steadiness and resilience of goutweed shows us its magnificent power which we can also use for our health.
For example, goutweed contains many vitamins, especially vitamin A and C, trace elements and minerals such as iron, copper, boron and calcium.

By the way, for many years we have only used bear's garlic to make pesto with.
One year, there was not enough bear's garlic, but a lot of garlic mustard.
This year, there is not much garlic mustard.
So, I'm really happy that the goutweed always faithfully stands by our side.

Fresh greetings!


Do you use goutweed too?

We are looking forward to your comment!


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Goutweed Pesto

Goutweed Pesto
  • Author: go-healthy
  • Posted on: May 29, 2017
  • Category: Pesto and Sauces
  • Type: Vegan
  • Preparation time: 0:10:00
  • Servings: 1 glass


  • 100g goutweed
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150ml mild oil (olive oil or sunflower oil)

  • 20g pumpkin seeds

  • 1 tbsp goji berries
  • 1 tsp hemp seeds


  1. Place the first four ingredients in a high-speed-blender and mix well. Start by adding only a little oil first and mix in more, if needed.
  2. Chop the pumpkin seeds and goji berries and add them with the hemp seeds to the pesto.



You can also freeze the pesto in small glasses.

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